
郭昱 YOK: Logic of tidy-up [3Y5M]

YY mama: YOK, remember to tidy up your book. When you have finished playing or reading, you have to tidy up. Ok?
YOK: ok. So, if Susan jiejie(helper) finished reading, she has to tidy up too? 
YY mama: yes, for sure. If mama finished reading, then I'll have to put it back. 
YOK: Susan jiejie, you have to tidy up the books after reading, ok? 
Susan: But I was reading the book for you YokYok!
YY mama: o... Then it's a different story, if Susan jiejie is reading the book for you, then you YokYok has to tidy it up. Got it?
YOK: ok! Then I read the book for baby, baby has to tidy up!
YY mama: yes. But baby cannot do it at the moment, can I ask for your help?
YOK: yes.

